I have mentored, coached and given advice to hundreds if not thousands of people over my 30+ year career. Getting them to weigh up the pros and cons of a move, talking to others in the industry who have made a move sideways, backwards or upwards to their “dream job”. Getting them to write down what they love doing, what they are not so great at (but could do better) and writing down some goals down and sticking to them. It is easy giving advice but sometimes taking your own can be more difficult.

I had a “what am I doing with my life” moment a few months back. Perhaps it’s the rapidly approaching half a century that started it. My “mid life crisis” some others would say. Well whatever it was – I am now truly thankful, as it made me sit back and reflect. I looked at what I had achieved over the past 30 years of working. I wrote down what I loved about my job and what I wasn’t so keen on. I spoke to people I respected around what I was considering – weighed up pros and cons and I decided I was in fact on the right path. I love my role as a connector of people. BUT I needed to change how I was doing it. So I stepped up to the edge of that cliff called RISK and FEAR – and I took a leap forward. It is not the unknown. This is my dream and I’m making it happen after a lot of thought and planning.
So last month I resigned from my stable job and left my work family. I then got cracking on setting up the structure that I would need to commence under my own brand – White Cloud Recruitment (https://whitecloudrecruitment.com.au/)
In all honesty, the hardest part of all of this was that first step. Admitting to myself that I couldn’t continue doing what I was doing. I wasn’t happy but what was I going to do about it. Only I can change what I do. It has been a steep learning curve but I have enjoyed and relished every single moment.

Yesterday was the day I launched my firm via LinkedIn. It’s a proud moment. It is a nerve-wracking moment. Who knows what tomorrow brings (hopefully lots of clients wanting my services!), but I did it and I am so damn excited and energised that I know in my heart, that it was the right decision.
So do take that plunge – but do your homework, plan, get advice and be honest with yourself. It may initially appear scary, but I can guarantee after you have done it, you will be saying “hey that wasn’t so bad after all”. Bring it on!!